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#Sponsor Link Tilter
#Sponsor Link Tilter

Internet Download Accelerator effectively solves three of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed, resuming broken downloads, and management of downloaded files. IDA AVCInternet Download Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. The acceleration is achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts and downloading these parts at the same time. Internet Download Accelerator resumes broken downloads from where they left off from both HTTP, HTTPS and FTP servers.

To increase usability Internet Download Accelerator integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla, Opera, Nescape and others, replacing the standard download modules. Moreover, the program monitors the system clipboard and detects URLs in the clipboard. With IDA you can download and save video from popular video sharing services: YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe and others.

IDA integrates into IDATop file catalog enabling you to search for files and mirrors right from the program and get information about the most popular software, music, archives, documents etc. Having signed up you will be able to add comments for files, add files to your own Favorites available to you on any computer connected to the Internet.

Whatever your connection type, Internet Download Accelerator will use the bandwidth of your connection most effectively and download files extremely fast.

Power and useful tool for management of download categories. Possibility of automatic file type detection with automatic file placement to the specified categories. Unlimited number of categories and hierarchy levels.

In this pack include:

+ 3 plugins

1- Advanced Scheduler
2- Trayindicator 0.3
3- Description 0.2

To install a plug-in download it, unzip (unrar) and copy to "...\Internet Download Accelerator\Plugins\" folder (usually "C:\Program Files\Internet Download Accelerator\Plugins\"), then restart IDA.

+ 6 skins

1- Oskar
2- MediaVista-B
3- MediaVista-G
4- MediaVista-R
5- Noia
6- Noia(24x24)

To install a skin, copy a skin file to the Skins subfolder in the program installation folder. After that for the changes to take effect you have to restart IDA.

What's new ?

+ ListAdded new automatic mode: Reduce download speed if the user's activity detected;
+ ListAdded integration with Google Chrome (download interception) and Apple Safari (download interception);
+ ListImproved integration with Mozilla Firefox: Download with IDA and Download All with IDA items will be added to Firefox context menu after enabling integration with Firefox;
+ ListAdded IDABar for Mozilla Firefox;
+ ListAdded automatic integration with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera during IDA installation;
+ ListImproved integration with the last Opera versions;
+ ListImproved integration with supported video services and added support for some new ones;
+ ListImproved SSL(HTTPS) support, added support for new certificate types;
+ ListTemplates for automatic Referer substitution now are stored in a text file. Now you can add new templates to that file by yourself;
+ ListZIP and RAR libraries updated;
+ ListUpdated User-Agent list in IDA options;
+ ListNow you can specify "*" wildcard at the beginning of the site name, for example *.site.name;
+ ListAdded option to choose the number of download sections in the Add download window with one click;
+ ListWell-formed XML is used for storing download list;
+ ListModified the way IDA query OS for special OS folders location;
+ ListBugs fixed.

Key feartures:

- FTP Explorer;
- site manager for password and download folders management;
- scheduler;
- download speed control, automatic mode for the most comfortable browsing on the Web;
- dial for dial-up connection;
- search for files, programs, games, and music;
- IDA Bar - a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox.
- Internet Download Accelerator integrates with: Interner Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Firefox, Mozilla, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, Maxthon/MyIE2 (IE), NetCaptor (IE), Phoenix (Mozilla). If Internet Explorer 6.0 or above is installed on your system Internet Download Accelerator integrates with Avant Browser (IE), NeoPlanet (IE)

And much more......

System Requirements:

Internet Download Accelerator is a highly productive download manager for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me,Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.



  1. Anonymous says:

    Adsense Firfox

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